Love language

By upupandaway - This FML is from back in 2012 but it's good stuff - United States

Today, I spent two hours perfecting a really romantic text message to my boyfriend for our one year anniversary. I listed all the things I loved about him, and recalled some of our best times together. Two minutes after I sent it, he replied, "Huh?" FML
I agree, your life sucks 28 783
You deserved it 10 113

Same thing different taste

Top comments

DontModMeDammit 10

It's a text, never say anything meaningful in a text.


booboo1997 3

Maybe you should have said it to his face.

Clamcreepy 7

Detective Clam: You spent two hours on a text which I'm sure was quite lengthy. So after you was done with it and you sent it, it probably came as like 4 pieces of text messages which leads me to think he probably got them all at different times in a mixed up order which means only one thing. He wasn't being a jerk or dumb or whatever he just didn't get all of the information to make a nice response text back. hints the"huh?" response

Our brains are wired a little different, but not like you're trying to make out. Most men are perfectly okay with romance and appreciating thoughtful stuff. Some are just macho asses or scared to be what sexists call "feminine". So we're not some lower breed that isn't civilized or capable of basic human decency, you just see way too many of the asshole minority. Oh and gay people can be homophobic, just like women can be misogynists, Jews can be anti-semitic, and all that. You're just a bit ignorant though, because the brain "wiring" stuff isn't always true with gay people.

yusaku02 20

Anniversary text... 2 hours.... YDI Is he really not worth a call to you?

@Ayame01: I am a female and I don't enjoy the mushy romantic stuff. My husband is the one who remembers the anniversaries and other important dates. I never do. It's not that men are wired differently and women somehow need to be patient with them, as you make it sound. It's just that some people are into romantic and emotional stuff and some are not. Completely irregardless of the gender.

FlonkertonChamp 6

"romantic" and "text message" do not belong in the same phrase. ydi.

brianfantana32 10

Sorry, but you kind of deserve that. Why wouldn't you have written it down and presented it to him instead of sending in a virtual text message?

I hate replies like that.... Especially to something as important as that! Is that really the kind of person that you want to keep around?