By Gutted. - 21/03/2009 23:04 - United Kingdom

Today, after a hard day's work and emotional argument with my best friend, I sent my boyfriend a text telling him how much I loved him and cherished him in the hopes he would cheer me up with a romantic reply. He said "Sorry, I've only got 8 texts left." FML
I agree, your life sucks 57 323
You deserved it 6 781

Same thing different taste

Top comments

pancakes_n_syrup 0

In his defense, texts are like gold when they're limited

Wait...did he text you to tell you he only had 8 texts left?? Because if that's the case why couldn't he have just used that opportunity to cheer you up instead.


pancakes_n_syrup 0

In his defense, texts are like gold when they're limited

haha limited texts.. your boyfriends poor.. dumbass

noobgang7 5

he wasted a text sending her that text lol

How the **** does being poor make someone a dumbass?

alex_vik 0

Well, he's in the right here.

Ahhem 0

Why didn't you just tell him in person?

i agree with #1.... i have limited texting too and theyre precious when theyre limited- each one counts... he should have called you tho

Wait...did he text you to tell you he only had 8 texts left?? Because if that's the case why couldn't he have just used that opportunity to cheer you up instead.

Lmao, yeah, he wasted a text to tell you, that he only had 8 texts, but tbh, you hoped he'd cheer you up. Maybe he didn't know you wanted him to cheer you up. If you specified that, then maybe he would have. :L

It's more than my fiancé does, if I do that for him he reads it and doesn't reply. It kinda sucks

splinteredApple 36

Well standard SMS is only 160 characters (70 if you use an emoji). So I'm guessing he didn't really want to use more than one text.

#5, that's exactly what I was going to say. Douchedouchedouche

alex_vik 0

#5 - Because OP might've tried to keep the conversation going, in which he would need to use two texts to tell OP that he's almost out of texts.

Don't look to texts for romance. They're not romantic.

Yeah, that a good example of how to waste a text.