Leave me alone

By Quortney - 22/07/2015 04:20 - United States

Today, I was working at the local grocery store and a customer of mine, who had only bought two granola bars and was holding up my line, tried to convert me to Christianity. Out of all the people to target, she chose the shy atheist who just wanted to do her minimum wage job in peace. FML
I agree, your life sucks 27 624
You deserved it 3 069

Same thing different taste

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Religion is like a penis. It's fine to have, it's fine to be proud of it, but please don't whip it out in public and start waving it around.

People who force their faith on others really suck


Just tell her lord Satan is the only God for you she will never bother again.

Precisely. Our dark lord and savior is not pleased with this woman.

That just promotes the idea that atheists believe in and worship satan. Many atheists are trying to stop this belief because it's far from true and gives us an even worse name than just flat out not believing in satan would.

ExtremeEncounter 32

Sorry to say, but any competent person knows the deference between atheist and satanist. At least, most people. Some morons don't get it, but it's not the fault of the people who kid and joke about Satan being their God, ruler, etc.

That's why she chose you. They look for what they perceive as weak prey. And launch into the indoctrination spiel, in the hopes you will join them.

OP Religious extremists are kind of evil. Just don't get angry and lose your job.

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Or OP could just stop her, tell her she had a line up and what she is doing is inappropriate and to move on. Once you start agreeing, or show any kind of interest, it's hard to get them to back down.

Why should she be forced to go to a group meeting for something she doesn't believe in? Would you tell a Muslim to go to a meeting on the wonders of bacon even though it violates their religion?

I don't think they actually meant to /go/ to the meeting. Just get the address and get the religious woman to move along. Though that will likely backfire when OP doesn't show up and the woman comes back to find out why.

This is why we Buddhists have an easier time. We give you a card, tell you when our next public event is, and often supply food. we're out of your hair in 30 seconds, tops.

Considering the small talk that occurs at the cash register, what could the customer have possibly said to make you feel this way? I'm just wondering

The customer was most likely screeching about how the end of times is coming, that Obama is the Anti-Christ, or other stupid things Religious zealots scream to try to get people to convert.

DoyoubelieveintheLordandSaviorJesusChrist? No? Then let me tell you about him. <insert rant here>

When I look at the facts, a person has a limited amount of time at the cash register. I'm a Christian, and I would never attempt to share my faith in that setting, because that's not the place or time. Not enough time either. The fact that in Canada we are given freedom and freedom of speech, if the employee said to me "how are you today?" I might reply by saying, "I'm having a great day. Just got back from a full week of camping at a Christian conference camp grounds" and I would leave it at that. I think there's a huge difference between small talk and bible thumping. I am against bible thumping. I believe the customer had a right to say how she felt. I'm still left wondering though, what could she have said in those few moments to impact OP so much?

It might have slipped that OP wasn't religious or was atheist and the customer took it upon herself to force a religious rant on them. Really, finding out someone isn't the same religion as them is enough to set people of on rants.

Some of them seem to think they can sense the sinners & therefore must convert them. It's part of why I ran away from religion (especially the self righteous kinds)...those who "feel" they must save you from a hell they can't prove exists by converting you to a god they also can't physically prove exists, all the while being sheeple & trying to pretend to be preachers "herding a flock" of more sheeple & saving souls.

As a Christian who can't stand church people (we all know who they are) I despise it when people take others hostage to convert them and then pat themselves on the back whether you agreed with them or not. During years of waiting tables I would get the occasional Bible tract as my tip - if I hadn't been a Christian that would NOT have moved me to become one. I'm sorry for your experience.

You'll never know when they get you. I was volunteering at the library when a lady wasted an hour of her time trying to do the same.