
By not_fakingit - 22/09/2013 04:26 - Canada - Montr?al

Today, I joked with my boss about calling in sick to work tomorrow with food poisoning to avoid taking the Sunday shift. Tonight, I'm sitting on the toilet bowl in agonizing pain with combination diarrhea and vomiting. My shift starts in 3 hours. FML
I agree, your life sucks 42 559
You deserved it 11 247

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I'd get a doctors note if I were you. Just to be sure your boss knows that it's legit. Hope you feel better, OP. Try and stay hydrated.


If you're friendly enough with him to joke around, I'm sure he'd understand if you actually DID get food poisoning.

TheDrifter 23

Thats when you get a doctors note like #1 said, or you just send in a picture of what came out, with your face near it.

Bosses love those toilet face pictures!

I actually had to save my money at the job I hate to get my dream job. I'm almost at the point where I can relax a bit, and just enjoy life. The last ten years, I've worked my ass off. It's within arms reach now, but it hasn't come easy. Effort in USUALLY equals satisfaction out. There are always extenuating circumstances. But even I can admit when I've had a bit of luck on my side. Sorry for the life story, I just figured these comments could use a bit of inspiration, as opposed to the usual "times are tough" reality.

Sorry, I just realized this comment is probably more appropriate to the one about the quarter. My bad, folks.

This is why you NEVER joke about getting sick with your boss. Karma will come back and bite you in the ass. Or, in this case, stomach, considering it's being emptied from both ends. Still, FYL because food poisoning is no picnic.

lil_mars 1

Take some Immodium or Pepto Bismal and get to work.

And that is ladies and gentlemen how OP came to understand the secret.