Throwing shade

By deargodwhy - 04/09/2020 10:03

Today, my 12-year-old daughter was suspended from school for doing a book report on 50 Shades of Grey. FML
I agree, your life sucks 1 163
You deserved it 800

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I'm hoping you didn't know that was her book choice?

Would you prefer that she get paddled or spanked by the principal? That would be a 51st shade of grey.


Would you prefer that she get paddled or spanked by the principal? That would be a 51st shade of grey.

I'm hoping you didn't know that was her book choice?

rotflqtms_ 21

And she was reading that book, why?

icalledhisname 12

If you’re not in the know about what she’s reading, you should be. 12 is still very young. At least, I’m assuming you didn’t know or approve of her reading that book... And honestly if she read it, you may want to get her into therapy, because that book will shape her views on sex, boundaries, how women should be treated, etc. A child should not be reading that, they’ll get bad ideas about how relationships should be.

She got suspended? Over a book report? I'd understand if they asked her to redo the assignment with a more appropriate book, but a suspension?

power_in_the_now 19

I feel as if the school should have referred this to Dept Family Services to investagate. A child that age should have never read such a book... that basically allowing a child to watch ****.

Umm WOW how did you not know your daughter was reading such a large novel and she needs to get into therapy there is a lot of red flags here.

"such a large novel" - really? It's about 500 pages while HP books are (after the first three) about 600-800 pages. At 12 years old I read all kinds of books (and even though I picked them from teenagers section in the library there still was inappropriate content) and my parents couldn't have had the time to keep up with what I was reading, let alone bat an eye about how thick it was.

Mathalamus 24

Understandable. 12 year olds ( or anyone) really shouldn’t be reading that crap.

Am I the only one who wants to read her book report? it would give me a chuckle

Okay I think suspension is a little harsh. I think a better punishment would be reading the book report out loud for the class lol.

Is it bad that I actually laughed when I read this post? I know 12 is still extremely young to be reading that book. I seriously hope it doesn't ruin any relationships she has in the future. Also I kind of want to read the book report. What was in that report to cause the suspension?

12 is young (way too young for that content), but also old enough to understand that it is inappropriate to do a book report on an extreme sex novel. I would guess she was likely suspended because she was also talking about the content with classmates.