By Anonymous - 31/12/2009 11:47 - United Kingdom

Today, I got out of bed and immediately went to the window as it was supposed to snow today. I saw a man walking his dog and he waved at me. I waved back enthusiastically and realised I was naked. FML
I agree, your life sucks 11 129
You deserved it 31 823

Same thing different taste

Top comments

daydreamstar 7

wow. talk about greeting the new year... I hope you were waving with your hand... poor guy, poor dog...


daydreamstar 7

wow. talk about greeting the new year... I hope you were waving with your hand... poor guy, poor dog...

somuchjustice 0

Uhh, not everyone in Britain is gay. did you not notice the poster is a man?

Not everyone in Britain is straight, either.

Tamara2011 0

Well you know why the guy waved must of been a good view lol, how can you forget your naked that must be the norm for you :)

fatcow282 8

When your half a sleep there are many things you can not be aware of

JustStella 28

haha! That is an awesome image right there!

fuckinglifehard 0