By Anonymous - 29/10/2009 18:47 - Canada

Today, I had to throw away twenty condoms that were all expired, because that's how active my sex life is. FML
I agree, your life sucks 24 154
You deserved it 5 506

Same thing different taste

Top comments

perdix 29

Why did you buy so many? I'd call that ****-eyed optimism!

#2 Latex loses elasticity and becomes more likely to fail upon operation. Takes several years, mind you, but it happens. #3 You're a moron.


ItsOkayImWhite 0

or maybe what he needs is a six pack to get more chicks.

fringle 0

#2 Latex loses elasticity and becomes more likely to fail upon operation. Takes several years, mind you, but it happens. #3 You're a moron.

first (: and that sucks for you. are you ugly?

haha FAIL! your first? ur third!! NOOBIE! anyways, to the dude who posted this FML, i feel sorry for you dude, get in the game!

IdfkMyUsernamexC 5

So not first. Douche bag, you don't know shit, think before you say something. Op it's not to late to change your sex life.

maybe he bought multiple packs and just didnt use those. say, he bought 50 and used 30 in however many years. and thats why he had to throw away 20.

perdix 29

Why did you buy so many? I'd call that ****-eyed optimism!

lol FYL everyone should go to my youube channel and watch some of my videos ________________

honestly, sex is kind of overrated in imo. sure, its a lot of fun, but its not that big of a deal if you aren't having it. that being said, it also isn't that hard to get laid if you try.

perdix 29

No, it's not IMO. It's fantastic even if you've been doing it with the same woman for years (and if my wife ever finds out, she'll kill me! (that's an old joke)).

Raiderwrstler65 0

why'd you have 20? that's dumb get like a 3 pack