I'm so sorry

By Anonymous - 21/02/2015 14:20 - United Kingdom - Birmingham

Today, my girlfriend got her wisdom teeth removed. I really want to help her out while she recovers, but her swollen cheeks combined with her natural buck teeth keep making me crack up every time I see her. I can't help it and I'm now in the doghouse. FML
I agree, your life sucks 25 118
You deserved it 32 218

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Try not to think about how much she resembles a squirrel

When I had my wisdom teeth out I sent pictures for people to laugh at. She sounds like she needs to lighten up


gobiteme2 34

Look on the bright side OP you’re in the doghouse; hopefully it has a roof and sides. Things could be much worse you could have compared her to a squirrel or chipmunk. She could have given you the dagger eyes. You don’t want dagger eyes!

Sounds like your lady needs a sense of humour.

Some say laughter is the best medicine...

Don't worry about it. She'll get over it and you'll both laugh about it later

LittleMissShadow 16

If I was her I'd be laughing at my squirrel-ness

thatonetribute 31

Ydi for being a jerk to her when she needs support!