I'm so sorry

By Anonymous - 21/02/2015 14:20 - United Kingdom - Birmingham

Today, my girlfriend got her wisdom teeth removed. I really want to help her out while she recovers, but her swollen cheeks combined with her natural buck teeth keep making me crack up every time I see her. I can't help it and I'm now in the doghouse. FML
I agree, your life sucks 25 118
You deserved it 32 218

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Try not to think about how much she resembles a squirrel

When I had my wisdom teeth out I sent pictures for people to laugh at. She sounds like she needs to lighten up


Maybe she'd laugh at how she looked too, never know lol.

Well laughter isn't really something you can control... It sucks but yea. You know when you try not to laugh at a serious situation, happens to the best of us

This is mean, really mean. You're not just laughing at her actual condition, but also think she's got buck teeth, no wonder why she's mad at you.

Some people do actually have buck teeth. Maybe he doesn't just "think" that.

Give her more t3's and she will forget about it

SexyWildRednecks 17

Hopefully when she feels better she will see the humor. But for now be sweet to her to get out of the doghouse

Your so whipped you gotta stay in the dog house YDI

chef4money 12

She is in pain and probably doesn't want to be bothered or laughed at. in a few days when the pain subsides she may find it as funny as you do. I have no suggestion as to what to do until then because I laugh at inappropriate times too, including funerals.

I don't blame you. That must have been quite the sight.

Reading these comments make me realize how much you all need a sense of humor!