By Anonymous - 21/02/2015 15:12 - United States - San Francisco

Today, I found out the hard way that blood-filled deer ticks can look a lot like black jelly beans. FML
I agree, your life sucks 34 025
You deserved it 8 569

Same thing different taste

Top comments

dylanger16 19

You might want to go to the doctor and get tested for diseases then

Why would you want to eat a black jelly bean anyway, they're the worst!!


Why would you eat something you randomly found on the ground ? YDI

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danimal_crackerz 26

Where does it say op found this on the ground?

Well where else would he have gotten it? I really doubt a tick fell right in his pocket or something

Or, you know, OP could have had a bag of jelly beans. I guess you think that's too much of a coincidence.

Just gotta say it... you're a dumb ass.

i know right? it's disgusting! who eats black jelly beans?

I'm sorry, but black Jellybeans are the best ever, I always pick out the black ones and eat them first.

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no one said that he found it off the ground

Yeah but do you really see a blood filled tick in any acceptable placement? Was it in a bowl of other jellybeans? Was it gracefully garnishing a desert plate? Was it hiding in a package of milkduds waiting for an unsuspecting victim?

dylanger16 19

You might want to go to the doctor and get tested for diseases then

Definitely! Ticks can carry many different diseases and you could get pretty sick from it. Time to take a trip to the doctor asap.

You don't get Lyme disease from every tick bite/ingestion. Just keep an eye out for symptoms like fever, rigors, tiredness, night sweats, headache - THEN run to the doctors asap! Hope you'll be okay, OP.

Why would you want to eat a black jelly bean anyway, they're the worst!!

Am I the only one who dislikes all jellybeans except the black ones? ... Yes? Okay.

I love black jellybeans... Everyone always looks at me weird...

Your not alone #55, I love the black Jellybeans too.

nonsensical 26

you know what they say! once you go black...

Nah buttered popcorn ones are the worst

lolhailsatan 23

What the hell? I'm assuming you were like in the woods or some shit if the tick was full of blood. Why would you see something big and black in that setting and think it's a jelly bean?? And then actually proceed to eat it?? YDI man

She didn't say she picked it up off the ground it could have somhow gotton within her stash of jelly beans

The point still stands - in what setting could you possible find a blood filled deer tick along with jellybeans? The only reasonable explanation I can think of is that they were hiking and eating jellybeans, when they dropped the bag, and instead of ignoring the beans that had touched the forest floor they decided to pick those up as well. If you can think of any other reasonable explanation to find the two together then please share.

what if she had one on her hand that got its fill and let go into a bag of jelly beans she was eating? people who arent regularly around ticks dont go checking themselves for them often.

What the hell is wrong with need help

Where better to go for that than here???