I'm so sorry

By Anonymous - 21/02/2015 14:20 - United Kingdom - Birmingham

Today, my girlfriend got her wisdom teeth removed. I really want to help her out while she recovers, but her swollen cheeks combined with her natural buck teeth keep making me crack up every time I see her. I can't help it and I'm now in the doghouse. FML
I agree, your life sucks 25 118
You deserved it 32 218

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Try not to think about how much she resembles a squirrel

When I had my wisdom teeth out I sent pictures for people to laugh at. She sounds like she needs to lighten up


If it really does make her look that silly, you can understand why shes feeling self conscious. Try and be comforting now, and then one day she'll be able to laugh about it with you.

Exactly, it's funny. When the Army made me remove all 4 of my wisdom teeth I blew up like Quagmire from Family Guy. Just offer to feed her like a baby bird and you'll be fine.

martin8337 35

You gotta gopher what you know. Tell her to buck up.

I'd feel sorry for OP if he hadn't mentioned that she has buck teeth. How do you think she'd feel if she read that that's what you think about her? I feel like those kinda of thoughts should be kept in your head.

You cant handle the truth? i feel sorry for you, if something is, then it is, no use hiding from it, besides its not like he used it as an insult, im gonna go ahead and assume he is still attracted to her

Haha that's funny I would of done the same thing I can just imagine that

Prepare yourself by remembering something sad like when a beloved pet died. This reminds me of my own little hamster who over filled his cheeks one day. (sigh*) Poor Bucky...