By Anonymous - 11/01/2011 09:43 - United States

Today, as I'm pregnant, my mom came over to do some nice things for me, such as clean my kitchen and cook a large pot of my favorite soup. When she left, I took a nap, planning to eat later. I woke up to find my roommates had trashed my kitchen and eaten all my soup. FML
I agree, your life sucks 35 561
You deserved it 4 449

Same thing different taste

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I know right? Sensibly budgeting for a baby is so ridiculous. It's much better to rent a place you can't afford and just raise your kid on welfare and food stamps. It might be in the scummiest most ghetto part of the neighborhood, but at least you have your own place...right?


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yusaku02 20

You mean too much time, not to much.

C6Racer 0

Agreed, 1. Time to open up a can of whoop-ass!!

who cares about spelling on an FML comment unless you can't read it, such as, "yhiss purrsin iz ztoopud"

The moment you get a roommate and then you realize they are a parasite to your life.

more like "today I had to go cook and clean for my **** of a pregnant daughter because she decided to have unprotected sex with some creep and now has to live with shitty roommates. fml"

dbonics 0

why ppl do things like this always amazes me. how rude and selfish can you be

TahoeFMler 22

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afallingstar 22
nicole4rmmi 0

I know right? Sensibly budgeting for a baby is so ridiculous. It's much better to rent a place you can't afford and just raise your kid on welfare and food stamps. It might be in the scummiest most ghetto part of the neighborhood, but at least you have your own place...right?

Well, why have a baby when you can't afford it??

88- It's called unplanned pregnancy. They have sex, unprotected, and she gets pregnant. Duh

noelykins1 19

If you can't afford to take care of a child you have three choices A) have an abortion B) put the baby up for adoptions And 3) be unable to provide for the around $18,000 per year cost of raising and caring for a baby and ruining not only yours but your child's life. Seriously if you didn't want kids the maybe you should of made him pull out, used protection and of you knew both didn't happen taken the morning after pill. Don't have sex if you can't be responsible. This is why humans have overpopulated the planet, irresponsible people.

None of you even know anything about this woman's life and you're already saying she's a bad parent? What the ****?

90- I don't know what bit you in the ass before you made that comment, but CALM the **** down. You don't know a damn thing about this woman and you think you can pass serious judgement about her pregnancy?? What is worng with you??

Greenteamextreme 16

90 if you think pulling out is a sure protection against pregnancy then you're an idiot !

you’re actually gross. but taking it with a grain of salt since you live in your mothers basement

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Yes. Because I've never once heard of a guy who bails when he finds out his girlfriend is pregnant. :/

Aaaaaand I don't really feel bad for the women who got knocked up by those guys either. Sleep with a douche, don't expect much.

Do you live with a bunch of unruly Soup Nazi's? Yes? Well, what did you expect?

Something tells me if they did this now, they've done it before. You should have realised what kind of people you were living with and adjusted your life accordngly.

not everyone is as big a phallis membrane as you are, some people try and stay positive. why can’t you adjust your life to all the inconveniences that’s happened to you shitstain?