By songbird062 - 01/06/2013 16:14 - Cambridge

Today, my boyfriend of two years, whom I supported through the death of his father, and whose invalid mother I also took care of, suddenly dumped me. The fact that I've put on a little weight due to recent stress disgusts him, and he "can't date a chubster". FML
I agree, your life sucks 70 613
You deserved it 6 447

songbird062 tells us more.

songbird062 6

Hi guys! (Sort of) OP here. This isn't actually exactly what happened, because someone copied my original FML, altered it slightly and the resubmitted it as their own. When I say "altered it slightly", I mean they changed 18 months to two years, and left out the part about his brother dying as well, apart from that, it's basically word for word identical. It was credited to me after I noticed and reported it. He did say that he'd be willing to reconsider after some time apart, but I sure as hell am not going back there again. And for those who are asking about my weight, I gained 2kg, or approximately 4 pounds for our friends using imperial measurements. I'm around 70kg (150 pounds), which, for my height of 5 foot 9, is perfectly healthy. So no, I am not at all obese.

Top comments

Some people are just shallow. However you sound like a really good person and I hope you find someone that deserves you.

hunteryager 18

What a prick. That's just really shallow of him.


Some people are just shallow. However you sound like a really good person and I hope you find someone that deserves you.

Misswildsides 22

It sounds like he's the kind of guy that goes after a girl because of her looks. I'm sorry OP. Go find someone who deserves you.

So... how much weight we talking here?

Where does he live? I might go and punch him..

MzZombicidal 36

Please punch him! Just reading this breaks my heart. I'm sorry, OP. I'm sure you're a beautiful person with a beautiful personality. I hope you find someone who will respect and love you more than that douche of an ex.

hunteryager 18

What a prick. That's just really shallow of him.

YourDrunkle 4

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I have a grill and bbq sauce if you wanna grill yourself first. JUst make sure to clean up after yourself when you're done!

I can spare some ranch sauce if you aren't a BBQ sauce kinda person. Just leave me some leftovers, I'm starving.

flockz 19

i suggest a daily excercise and flexibility workout for you then. maybe even a tongue extender.

What the hell is going on in this comment section?

Yes much better off without, your a wonderful person I'm sure you'll fine someone who appreciate you for you

Loo 69 thumbs up. But you're deff right.

yoursucklives 36

that's harsh, i'm very sorry op. but you seem like a lovely, caring person. so i'm sure you'll find someone new soon!

Pilkipedia 8

He wasn't worth it then. A real man wouldn't do that.

lishajoy777 14

Im sorry Op. At least you dont have to be with a douche.