Mirror, mirror

By Anonymous - 21/08/2020 17:01 - United States - Pittsburgh

Today I discovered that I'm so pale that I can lighten up any distant dark corner of the room just by placing my hand by a window and reflecting the light like a mirror. Imagine how bright it would be if I stood by the window naked. FML
I agree, your life sucks 1 225
You deserved it 251

Same thing different taste

Top comments

My skin is similar to yours, and I like darker skin. But lots of people like skin like ours, so chin up lil camper.

And white people spend their lives trying to get darker. Nobody seems to like themselves the way they are. It's good to be "good in your skin."


Wadlaen 23

My skin is similar to yours, and I like darker skin. But lots of people like skin like ours, so chin up lil camper.

I am imagining! Thank you! You can send me some pics to help me imagine better. Please?

The hills are lit! Gondor calls for aid!

Susan Yee 9

Many women in Asian countries envy you.

And white people spend their lives trying to get darker. Nobody seems to like themselves the way they are. It's good to be "good in your skin."

bl3ur0z3 17

You sure you're just pale and not a ghost?