Hey… you

By HOLY SHIT, A WALKING SNOWGLOBE - 09/12/2012 21:52 - United Kingdom - Dagenham

Today, I went on a blind date. My date turned out to be very hot, and I had high hopes. That is, until she ran her hand through her hair as she approached, sending some kind of horrifying, miasmic mist of dandruff and dead skin floating through the air behind her. FML
I agree, your life sucks 26 166
You deserved it 8 123

Same thing different taste

Top comments

So what, it's easily fixed. One flaw is the best you can get! Take it!

priceyfml 7

She could always use dandruff shampoo, good luck :)


At that point I would have farted obnoxiously

She probably used some kind of product in her hair to style it. Many hairsprays will leave residue on the hair that flakes and looks quite a lot like extreme dandruff.

_TasteTheRainbow 24

So what? It's just dandruff, could even be some kind of hair product. Get over it and stop being so shallow, OP.

Although that does sound pretty gross, it's not like you can't fix that problem. The only problem I see is that might mean that she has generally poor hygiene, but since you pointed out how hot she is she mustn't be that bad. Give it a go, it's not like you can't point out something as small as a dandruff build-up later on.

Steve95401 49

I'm dreaming of a White Christmas just like the ones I used to know...

nicholasj96 9

Did the people behind her turn into a mist and wither away while their clothes dropped to the floor ?