Don't be that guy

By Anonymous - 19/04/2022 03:00 - United States - Chicago

Today, I was set up on my first blind date since my divorce. My expectations were low, but when she showed up, she was a smoking hot. She was way out of my league, she was delightful and kind throughout the date, but my low confidence shined through. That night she acquired an expensive dinner and a stalker. Me. FML
I agree, your life sucks 225
You deserved it 1 419

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Nikki 17
49_Donuts 12

Your friends set you up on a blind date because they thought you’d be a good match! Ask her out again. Your confidence will grow as you get to know her.


Nikki 17

Why can't you just ask her out again and this time buy some confidence? I'll sell you some for $39.99 a month when you agree to an eternal subscription.

49_Donuts 12

Your friends set you up on a blind date because they thought you’d be a good match! Ask her out again. Your confidence will grow as you get to know her.

Marcella1016 31

Just be confident and chill. Fake confidence until it becomes natural. And confidence doesn’t mean be a jerk or anything like that. Just show interest in her, look her in the eyes, listen to what she says, smile, find ways to relate to her, be genuine, and don’t be nervous. And don’t ******* stalk her. Be *genuinely* nice. Don’t assume she’s out of your league. You may be perfect for each other, or you may not. But don’t self-sabotage by feeling insecure, and don’t hold on if it turns out you’re not a match. If it turns out she’s uninterested, respect her decision and let it go. Feels like a lot to remember, but with practice it’ll all come naturally! Good luck! And again, I can’t stress this enough, don’t be a ******* stalker! 😄

Dirtysalamander1 13

be confident my dude. break out of your shell. and give it your all if you want this woman to see you. don't try to impress anyone with something you're not. stalking will only lead to obsession. just one thing not everyone clicks. sometimes you just have to let them go and find someone that will give you the time. a loss doesn't always mean a loss.

slhiggx 17

That’s just creepy. F her life. Don’t do that. Leave the woman alone.

What the ever loving ****? All these "just be confident" comments when you admitted to becoming a stalker. Nah, go to therapy, my dude. Confidence will be easier to achieve after you work all that bullshit out. So many levels of ******* EW.