Hey… you

By HOLY SHIT, A WALKING SNOWGLOBE - 09/12/2012 21:52 - United Kingdom - Dagenham

Today, I went on a blind date. My date turned out to be very hot, and I had high hopes. That is, until she ran her hand through her hair as she approached, sending some kind of horrifying, miasmic mist of dandruff and dead skin floating through the air behind her. FML
I agree, your life sucks 26 166
You deserved it 8 123

Same thing different taste

Top comments

So what, it's easily fixed. One flaw is the best you can get! Take it!

priceyfml 7

She could always use dandruff shampoo, good luck :)


Are you serious -_- dude grow up this is easily fixable

guyverzerox 6

You are freaking hilarious your choice of words is awesome!

So many people are calling this guy a shallow douche...that seems harsh. maybe he's just really averse to dandruff and dead skin. We all have our own feelings on things that we don't like/aren't attracted to. I don't like small dogs, it wouldn't make me shallow to not date a girl with them..

If you backed out you gotta problem I'll take her number

cpessall 8

I'm sure she had plenty to complain about you, like that you're so shallow you give up on a girl before you even know her name.

It's probably excessive use of hair products, being someone with curly hair, I've had that problem too; if it is dandruff, it's easily fixed with head and shoulders. YDI for be a shallow piece of man. newsflash, NO ONE is perfect.

KSlocum 5

If that's her only flaw, that's nothing. Can be easily fixed.

Just give her some head and shoulders for a present or switch out the shampoo she uses with the contents of head and shoulder