By Anonymous - 09/12/2012 20:03 - New Zealand - Auckland

Today, my doctor finally prescribed me some medication for my arthritis. The cap was insanely well-secured, and my hands were too racked with pain to get it off. FML
I agree, your life sucks 31 517
You deserved it 1 867

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Might I suggest a hammer? OR you could get a child to open it. Those little ******* seem to be the only ones capable of opening those damn child safety caps.


Power tools usually require a strong grip also. OP, you're screwed!

20- nah, saws just require a good trigger finger.

free2speak 14

She is not very handy at opening medication bottles. On a serious note, request non child-proof bottle, next time, OP!

37- if I explain the pun, to ANYONE, the pun fairy will take away my pun powers..

Might I suggest a hammer? OR you could get a child to open it. Those little ******* seem to be the only ones capable of opening those damn child safety caps.

NicollieO 7

I just laughed until I cried... That is so true!!!

You're welcome. The walrus aims to please...sometimes.

venus89 17

Omg that was THE perfect comment!!!!! Just me feel so much better after my crappy weekend. I fell off my bed from laughing so hard!!!

priceyfml 7

:I sorry ask for something maybe easier to open a pill capsul ?

I am guessing typing this FML was also not reccomended

Kallian_fml 21

I'll bet the doctor had already thought of that when he gave you the medicine. He's having a good chuckle now.

Use "the gripper" as advertised on tv! Wow it really does have a use!

Those things jeez.. I've tried everything from a knife to a friggin lightsaber. They refuse to open! :(

I would but the lil bastard ran off! D: little ninjas, they are.

LappDance 16

No pain, no gain! Just rip that sucker off and enjoy your meds.

What if your pulling instead of rotating it ? Happens to me all the time , lol.

I couldn't help but think of the fml before this one.. :S

priceyfml 7
Rosie_Posie43 12

I went through that too... Made my dad turn into my servant and open my meds for me everyday. Why must the doctors torture us so??? "t(.____. "t )

You made him do it every single day? Why didn't you just put the cap on looser after the first time?

Rosie_Posie43 12

I wasn't the one closing it now was I?

So he spews a lot of shit? Thats not a nice thing to say about docs.

I only said his doctor. Not all of them.

41 Check your typo, then my comment. :)