By areyoukiddingme - 02/11/2015 05:54 - United States - Marion

Today, my roommate blocked my phone number and won't speak to me. All because I mistakenly used her hand soap, thinking it was mine. FML
I agree, your life sucks 24 062
You deserved it 2 183

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I find the blocking the number part the funniest part... If you live together, blocking the number won't stop you from talking to them.

thatonetribute 31

...that is a slight overreaction.


thatonetribute 31

...that is a slight overreaction.

#30, how is germaphobia an excuse? it's soap- they could have just gotten a new one instead of over reacting.

We need a third button that says WELL **** YOU TOO. that's what I'd tell your roomate. then proceed to be a COMPLETE AND UTTERLY THOROUGH pain in the ass.

A07 48

I can see that you're new here so I'll give you some advice, Calm the **** down. Enjoy your stay

at least you don't have to talk to the bitch anymore... hashtag win

A07 48

Not every female is a bitch you sexist pig

walks like a duck, quacks like a duck... it's a duck

Next time she uses something of yours. Kick her out.

I find the blocking the number part the funniest part... If you live together, blocking the number won't stop you from talking to them.

Especially if you're roommates! Kinda hard to ignore someone sharing the same room as you. :P


roommate doesn't mean literally sharing the same room....

Well actually that is what the definition of a roommate is, otherwise it is flatmate etc. Granted, they might not have meant it in that context, in which case they used the wrong word. :)


I see where we differ, in the States everyone says Roommate for another person living with you, they don't specifically mean sharing a room. :)

That's seriously immature, you're better off without a person like that.

You can't get rid of a roommate in like 3 seconds...

Apparently you can, by using their hand soap.

Well, that's one of the most stupid things I've heard people fight about. She seems like she has some serious issues.

that's pretty petty. time to find a new room mate op

Maybe you could talk to her when you see her, probably where you live

whatarethisss 23