Grossed out

By ChePow - 20/08/2011 18:26 - Canada

Today, a stripper came into my work to get some posters copied. She asked if she could pay in small bills. I just touched $50 that have probably rubbed up against a stripper's twat. FML
I agree, your life sucks 31 513
You deserved it 6 522

Same thing different taste


hows is that a bad thing? unless ur a fag enjoy it.

It says the OP is a woman. >_>

I'd really like to know how OP knew she was a stripper. Do they have to wear a sign round their necks or does OP sneak off to the nudey bars?

i love strippers. gotta support single moms :P

OMG, get over yourself, you frigid prude! Most of the dollars you see have been through 1.000 hands. Much dirtier than a stripper's twat. Plus, they don't shove it down their twat, you idiot.

You know, when you think about it. . . Alot of your money has probly been on a strippers twat

HunterAlpha1 8

and...? i'm not seeing a problem here.

missnuthin 10

ya know she COULD be a waitress or something... OTHER professions get tipped in small bills. besides, MOST strip joints dont let you touch the girls anymore. you leave the bills out and they come to you. they dont touch anything but the floor, and trust me the floor of strip club is going to be cleaner than most normal peoples hands.

creedaddict 9