Alexa, play "Noise Annoys" by Buzzcocks

By Anonymous - 27/06/2020 23:02

Today, I found out my mother only uses two settings for volume on her laptop: maximum volume or completely quiet. She'll play it over whatever other people are doing, and then get mad when they tell her to turn it down. FML
I agree, your life sucks 1 348
You deserved it 111

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Maybe get her some headphones. Lots of people's hearing gets bad as they age.


It sounds like Mom is losing her hearing. OP - Sorry that is tough to be around if you have normal hearing.

Maybe get her some headphones. Lots of people's hearing gets bad as they age.

rotflqtms_ 21

Maybe everyone should start using headphones. I almost always use them. It makes the house way quieter... then if someone does need to talk or something, everyone can hear what they want to hear and not what they don't want to hear.