
By horny I’m so horny - 15/04/2021 17:00 - United States

Today, we’ve been unable to have sex for months due to my boyfriend’s health issues. I would never EVER cheat on him; however my unconscious mind has other ideas. I’ve dreamt of kinky sex with everyone from the maintenance man to gettin' freaky with detective Stabler. I’m so horny I’m gonna burst. FML
I agree, your life sucks 1 475
You deserved it 265

Same thing different taste

Top comments

bleachedraven 14

Lack of intimacy isn't fun. Praying the health issues get better.


Can't he pleasure you without actual intercourse? There are many ways you can achieve some relief.

Would you be okay with cheating on him with a sex toy?

For some people they feel that it is.

Yummi_913 18

Yes and those people need to grow up. Imagine being so toxic and insecure in your relationship that you're jealous of an inanimate object. It's idiotic, immature, and unfair towards your partner.

give yourself a "hand" with some stuff.

bleachedraven 14

Lack of intimacy isn't fun. Praying the health issues get better.

Jaellynthecursed 9

Detective stabler is sexy, tho

Warp1978 15

I totally know how you feel. My wife is in the same situation and I'm pining for her because I cannot think of anything else but being with her my dreams are kinky as all hell. Hope you get some soon. ✊✊

bleachedraven 14

I love this comment for a few different reasons.

KingAdrock 16

You know, there's this magical new thing called: masturbation.