By Anonymous - 21/12/2012 00:37 - Norway - T?nsberg

Today, I sent a cute, jokey text to my girlfriend saying, "Just in case the world ends, I love you." Not only did she dump me because I was an "idiot for believing in the doomsday", which I don't, she also wrote a Facebook status about it. Now everyone thinks I'm mentally unstable. FML
I agree, your life sucks 40 548
You deserved it 7 091

Same thing different taste

Top comments

If she broke up with you over something trivial as a text message I would have to say you're better without her.

Well if the world does end your embarrassment won't last long.


Well if the world does end your embarrassment won't last long.

shhh, she may write a fb post about you too!

Well hopefully some of her fb friends will make her see just what a retard she is..

I doubt it. People tend to influence others through their words. They will side with her.

1 - neither will the people he proved wrong

If she broke up with you over something trivial as a text message I would have to say you're better without her.

I agree, if she broke up with you for something so small she might have been looking for a reason to break up with you.

She called him mentally unstable, clearly she's the one with issues.

AND she publicly embarrassed him. I'd agree, doesn't seem like she's worth it to me. Seems arrogant too. Did she not even bother responding, "do you seriously believe the world's going to end?"

That's a stupid reason to break up with somebody. If the world ends nobody will give two ***** about what you said anyway.

Hopefully everyone that knows you probably won't think you actually meant it... Some people just can't handle sarcasm. Smh.

Boy-"I love you sweetheart." Girl-"I think we need to see other people." Boy-"What just happened?" Apparently ily triggers break ups?

You sent that from inside your apocalypse shelter didn't you?

She broke up with you thinking "just in case he may be a idiot, i'll dump him".

you finally found your niche! havent seen you get thumbed down in a while! CONGRATZ!

See prad? Told you all would be fine eventually. :-) ... Or is the fact you're not getting thumbed down a sign of the end times?... Oh noes!!

I thinks it's sign he just has good and funny comments now! YEEEEEYY

Is today a YDI day or something? All the FMLs have most YDI votes...

Ahh.. This one's switched now typically. Thank you(:

This is getting a lot of YDI's which is a little unfair in my eyes. OP didn't know his girlfriend was gonna flip out like she did.

And now it has more YLS votes. At the time I commented it had like 150 YDI's and 30 YLS's.


Enjoy clinging to the next doomsday date they come up with next I guess

Wow. Some people are just oblivious to sarcasm. Obviously you meant it in a cute, romantic way and it was pretty stupid of her to break up with you for something so small. FYL.