Destroy it with fire

By loli-conned - 21/06/2009 22:10 - United Kingdom

Today, I was shopping for my little sister's birthday. She loves manga. I've never read manga, so I bought a couple of novels from the "popular" shelf. Turns out if they have white covers it means they are "adult" books. I bought my sister a "lolicon" manga - filled with prebuscent naked girls. FML
I agree, your life sucks 40 003
You deserved it 22 538

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I think you should have looked. That's what I would've done.

Everyone's gotta see naked girls sometime. But you could've [should've] asked a sales person if you've never bought Manga before. Or at least found one age appropriate. Sure you didn't get the color code, but you could always ask. Or flip through it. Or the old "ask her what her favorite is". At least you know she read it? I get books all the time when people are like, "Oh, you like fiction right? Here's these books about wizard-wannabes." I never read them.


Everyone's gotta see naked girls sometime. But you could've [should've] asked a sales person if you've never bought Manga before. Or at least found one age appropriate. Sure you didn't get the color code, but you could always ask. Or flip through it. Or the old "ask her what her favorite is". At least you know she read it? I get books all the time when people are like, "Oh, you like fiction right? Here's these books about wizard-wannabes." I never read them.

Howdyplz 2

I feel your pain. One of my friends once caught me reading Hetalia on the computer in tech and then goes " you like manga? You would like chibi vampire" (that's what made me sure he was gay). I'm at the bookstore a few weeks later so I decide to go find it and as I flipped through the first book, I'm thinking "this is the most incomprehensible, stupid shit I have ever read." In short, it sucked ass and my friend is another one of those embarrasing social retards....

pinanat 0
mayqueen17 0
Hugorgy 0
Peanu_theGreat 0

Uh, no. Axis Powers Hetalia. One of the best manga out there. :]

philosopher 0

Ignorance is bliss... for the ones laughing at the ignorant fool. So yeah, now you know to check everything before you buy it. Well, at least they were girls instead of boys. Then you might have a problem having to explain the boy parts if she herself is close to puberty or just passed it. And yeah, manga kicks ass - the "normal" ones anyway.

Ewwwww... that is so horrible. It didnt occur to you that you shoulda asked for help or something, or at least asked her what type of manga she likes?

lalalalaura 0

I suggest just a gift card for her next birthday. =) haha

At least someone learned a valuable lesson about manga's. :-P

philosopher 0

Addendum. People like you are the reason why the world has useless rating systems, in your case, the BBFC or PEGI, and yet STILL don't get it!! Whether the book was labeled with a rating or not, CHECK THE BLOODY THING!! Easy!! Y-D-I.

jengen 0

Ummm yeah.... make sure you flip through the pages next time before purchasing. :)

Mstar_fml 0

As I said in a different reply, manga with excessive sexual content is often shrink wrapped so kids can't read it. However, you would think this idiot would at least have the sense to check the rating. M = Mature regardless of the country of origin... *facepalm*

GloomySkyz 0

If it wasn't clear from what the poster said, Manga isnt rated on a PG Level. Instead, The book cover color is the Japanese maturity rating system, Anyone from America not familiar with Manga wouldn't know this.

f_all_our_lives 4

LOL this is funny, I wonder how your parents reacted when they found out what you gave your little sister :p please please please look through the drawings before you purchase comic books/manga :o) best of luck to you mate

To all the people saying "YDI" and ranting at him: He obviously isn't into anime and manga, so he isn't aware of some of the fetish manga out there. He probably doesn't know anything about half the yaoi or yuri he would have also accidently picked up. It's like buying someone a book when you know they're a reader without realizing that it also has some erotica in it. I'm sure he just thought of it as any old comic book. The only YDI here is that he didn't notice any "ADULT" labeling.

arienh4 0

If I buy any book for someone, I read the backside. If there's any adult material in there it'll be on the backside. Since manga is images, I'd just flip through it...

He also could have asked someone who works in the bookstore. I work in a bookstore currently and people always come up with gift questions. Even if the seller doesn't like manga just by selling the stuff they would know enough what to suggest.

username894 0

The reason child **** is wrong is not because of what's depicted. It's because of the real children who are being taken advantage of. In the case of loli, that just doesn't apply. You might think it's terrible, but we murder millions of people in video games every day, and no one with any common sense would complain about that.

YOU. CAN'T. FLIP. THROUGH. THEM. Those kinds of books are shrink-wrapped!

Warped_Mind 0

Ah, but the store's return policy won't understand.

EXACTLY! He thinks of it as "any old comic book"! IT'S NOT! Buying manga is VERY specific. You CAN'T just pick a random one off the shelf and expect a manga fan to automatically like it. The YDI is for trying to look and feel thoughtful without even flipping through and glancing at the comic book, without asking anybody what she might like, without knowing SHIT about what he was buying. If you are going to try to be thoughtful, LEARN ENOUGH ABOUT THE TOPIC TO GET THE RIGHT ******* THING! Assuming that someone who likes manga will like ANY manga is stupid and get you into this kind of shit! If you're going to by somebody something that has to be specific, do it right, or don't do it!