By Juggernaut Drive - 31/10/2018 05:00

Today, my little sister got into my anime DVDs, probably thinking they were cartoons. She watched High School DXD, which isn't the best anime for a 6-year-old. Now she wants to be the Breast Dragon Emperor for Halloween and Dad is threatening to set fire to my entire collection. FML
I agree, your life sucks 2 820
You deserved it 1 502

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Show your sister who Wendy Marvell is, and tell her about Dragon Slayers. She'll think it's way cooler, and the innocence of Wendy will put your dad's mind at ease. When that's sorted, maybe put the anime in a locked cabinet.

At least she doesn’t seem phased by it..? Hope your collection survives the fire OP!


Show your sister who Wendy Marvell is, and tell her about Dragon Slayers. She'll think it's way cooler, and the innocence of Wendy will put your dad's mind at ease. When that's sorted, maybe put the anime in a locked cabinet.

At least she doesn’t seem phased by it..? Hope your collection survives the fire OP!

Don't know why you'd be the one punished when she got into your stuff. She should be taught to not go through people's belongings instead of punishing you for what she did.


Have you tried being a responsible sibling?

He can buy anything he so pleases. His parents should teach his sister not to go through other people's belongings without their permission.

GUYMAINE, have you tried ******* off? Who’s to say how to be a responsible sibling, she should’ve been taught not to go to big brothers room when he’s not there.


Woah calm down internet warrior. Like any older sibling or parent you know little kids are going to go through things because they are curious. Being an idiot like yourself and blaming the child ( a 6 year old) for being curious doesn't help. Maybe take responsibility for having something like that easily accessible to children? fuckwad


Ever heard of children? It takes time to teach them things. Yeah sure he can buy whatever he wants but if that child found a gun i'm sure you wouldn't be blaming the child.

liquidpwnage 15

How is Issei Hyoudou not great for children? He's loved by all the children of hell and had a children's song written about him. Seriously though, good luck and long live the boob dragon.

Yeah, Animes can be a mixed bag. Some can be cute and appropriate for children like Pokemon. Others can be batshit insane like Bludgeoning Angel Dokuro-chan.

DraftHail614 17
ProfZucchini76 10

What?!?!? All anime is family-friendly! Your dad must not be a family man.

It's not a good anime for anyone you absolute degenerate.

Next time don’t watch high school dxd