Destroy it with fire

By loli-conned - 21/06/2009 22:10 - United Kingdom

Today, I was shopping for my little sister's birthday. She loves manga. I've never read manga, so I bought a couple of novels from the "popular" shelf. Turns out if they have white covers it means they are "adult" books. I bought my sister a "lolicon" manga - filled with prebuscent naked girls. FML
I agree, your life sucks 40 003
You deserved it 22 538

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I think you should have looked. That's what I would've done.

Everyone's gotta see naked girls sometime. But you could've [should've] asked a sales person if you've never bought Manga before. Or at least found one age appropriate. Sure you didn't get the color code, but you could always ask. Or flip through it. Or the old "ask her what her favorite is". At least you know she read it? I get books all the time when people are like, "Oh, you like fiction right? Here's these books about wizard-wannabes." I never read them.


Carnivaldead 0
More_Nonsense 0

Ouch. There's a silver lining, though -- if it was full of actual kids, you'd be seriously screwed.

YDI. There were so many ways to avoid this. You could have just asked someone since you obviously have no idea what you're doing. Who buys something without even know what it is?

I don't mean to be insulting, but what kind of idiot buys without even flipping through the pages or at least reading the back cover, huh?? I mean, SERIOUSLY, if a friend tells you they like novels, do you walk into the first bookstore, blindly grab off a shelf anything that has a cover and pages inside (regardless of whether it's romance, ****, non-fiction, a dictionary, a blank notebook, whatever), buys it and give to them?? It's THE SAME THING. Try toilet paper next time. It's less easy to mess up. Though I supposed you might mistake it for papertowels...

Sorry, but YDI for not even opening up the book/magazine/whatever to at least check it. FYSL

Or because I've had sex with people in 3d.

Kylias 6

I highly doubt that you have.

I never realized how many losers there were in the world. Comic book ****? Seriously? Most people into pornographic manga are probably virgins.

that_one_dude 0

Japan has some of the most ridiculous, sickest, weirdest, most perverted crap in the world. I don't want to know what's wrong with them when it comes to anime and manga. Hopefully you returned those books is always better.

onihime 0

90% is definitely not ****. at most, i would say the ratio of **** to not **** is 50/50

Kylias 6

Really? Then I guess all those books filling my friends' shelves must not really exist. Or they're in Japanese. You know, I can't tell English letters from Japanese hiragana anymore anyway. Dumbass.

Fake. There's no translated lolicon manga with nudity.