Creepy nevertheless

By humdrummitydrum - 19/08/2014 20:46 - United States

Today, my new doctor gave me a breast exam and said everything was healthy, before adding "Well, I think so, anyway. I don't actually work here." As I freaked out, he laughed out loud, said he was just kidding, and that he should prescribe me a chill pill. FML
I agree, your life sucks 47 212
You deserved it 6 669

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Buy him a rectal thermometer because he's an asshole.

Can I buy you a ball gag so you'll shut up?


Catlover1130 14

This is why I don't go to a male doctor for that kind of stuff.

Which is probably why you are not a doctor

Totaly inapropriate but really hillarious

That's above cruel...glad everything is okay OP

Where do I even begin? I think I will begin by saying I'm glad you're okay, and end by saying that if you want to remain okay psychologically it might be smart to find a doctor who knows the difference between appropriate and inappropriate humor. This does not really bode well in my mind!

People can give me thumbs down on this all they like, but doctors need to be held to some sort of standards, and I would say that one good standard to start with is not scaring a new patient half to death "joking" about making her think for even a split second that she's just been sexually abused. For many people just going in for an exam is totally terrifying. This is not okay on the doctor's part, and the fact that he did this demonstrates a very dangerous lack of respect for the vulnerability of the women he's supposed to be serving with compassion and dignity.

Exactly. Completely agree. I don't understand why people find this so funny, it's despicable behavior.

Now if something was wrong would he say everything was alright? That's a bit scary possible malpractice

I think this doctor is awesome, but just needs to pick his audience better. Some people tend to react to the potential joke in a statement before taking it seriously (me) and some people invest themselves emotionally a bit too soon.