Creepy nevertheless

By humdrummitydrum - 19/08/2014 20:46 - United States

Today, my new doctor gave me a breast exam and said everything was healthy, before adding "Well, I think so, anyway. I don't actually work here." As I freaked out, he laughed out loud, said he was just kidding, and that he should prescribe me a chill pill. FML
I agree, your life sucks 47 212
You deserved it 6 669

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Buy him a rectal thermometer because he's an asshole.

Can I buy you a ball gag so you'll shut up?


take a joke. if you can't enjoy a simple like that you are way too serious and sound like you'd be the life if a party

dDailydDosage 8

I would've definitely freaked out too. Probably would've punched him before he had time to say he was joking. That is not cool, horrible joke

People take things way too seriously. Lighten up, it was funny! That chill pill part had me laughing so hard!

All the guys laughing, imagine if you went in for a prostate exam and the doctor then tells you they don't even work there. Yeah it wouldn't be funny. What if the woman was a survivor of sexual assault?

You realize the purpose of this site is laughter, correct? Obviously if she was seriously upset about it, she wouldn't have posted that.

Why the hell is everyone so up tight? That's absolutely hilarious! That would be my doctor for life!

They shouldn't hire immature people for professional jobs.

imbatmanfir 15

The first joke seems fine to me, honestly. But the second one, him implying that her reaction was unjustified, is the one I find inappropriate.