Creepy nevertheless

By humdrummitydrum - 19/08/2014 20:46 - United States

Today, my new doctor gave me a breast exam and said everything was healthy, before adding "Well, I think so, anyway. I don't actually work here." As I freaked out, he laughed out loud, said he was just kidding, and that he should prescribe me a chill pill. FML
I agree, your life sucks 47 212
You deserved it 6 669

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Buy him a rectal thermometer because he's an asshole.

Can I buy you a ball gag so you'll shut up?


I think all of you guys need a doctor to examine you, you are all obviously lacking your funny bone

Honestly, that's pretty funny. I don't see what the issue is here.

Here4theshow 17

I actually thought that was really funny. Hope you got a kick out of it later on OP! Haha

inowhtthefoxsays 20

Hopefully he was just your primary dr. It would really have been awkward if he was your gynecologist! Just saying.

Doctors love messing with patients, laugh it off OP.

People don't go to doctors to be messed with. They go to doctors to be helped. I wouldn't laugh this off if I were the OP. People give doctors WAY too much leeway. Just because they went to medical school doesn't make them infallible and doesn't give them the right to treat the rest of us like playthings.

Who's treating who as a plaything? People are often very nervous when going to the doctor and doctors know it and try to make them at ease with a joke. Sometimes it's well received, sometimes it's not but i doubt it's malicious or sadistic as you seem to think. Personally i had alot of painful problems with my ears in my childhood, losing a bit of hearing in the process, and to this day a visit to an ENT makes me really nervous. Most of the docs pick on it and joke with me to make me comfortable and i appreciate it. One was an asshole who told me his 10 year old patients don't give him so much trouble and i had to put him in his place. Not all doctors are assholes and their medical degree certainly does not automatically make them above everyone else or excuse their behaviour - when it's abusive or unwelcome. OP didn't welcome the doctor's little banter but it didn't seem to be malicious either and what i meant was that OP shouldn't take it to heart. If it really bothers her, then she should adress it.