Caught in the act

By urmommmm - 22/08/2009 16:25 - United States

Today, it was my birthday. My parents came into my room at 12:01 to surprise me. Do you know what fifteen year-olds do at midnight? FML
I agree, your life sucks 50 332
You deserved it 25 399

Same thing different taste

Top comments

tyhillman 0

Ha at least it was dark, either way sucks for you


taylorrrx 0

you really just made my day, lmfao. thanks

moonlight_daze 8

What do fifteen year olds do at midnight? **********? Smoke weed? ..My guess is they caught you jerkin' it.

snliveismylife 0

Dude I seriously didnt think about jerking off. I thought about midnight toking, which is what I do at midnight, I dont know about you...

So is it like some ritual for 15-year-old boys? Every night as the clock strikes twelve, you load up your favourite **** sites, whip out your dick and start jacking off? This is absolutely fascinating, you know. I just fapped whenever my parents weren't at home.

My ritual involves locking my door. Try it.


Please ban my account. For the greater good. p.s. I did this so everyone would read my post. I also stole this idea from the guy who put praise Taliban alot in the middle. thank you for your time.

LOL! But seriously, get a lock for your door. Either that or next time you get caught, just act casual about it. I'm sure they'll learn to knock and wait for you to call them in! :-P

uh watch true blood reruns? thats what i do at midnight.

ktc10 0

Damn straight. True Blood is amazing. SOOKIE!

WOOOOOOOOOT!!!!!!! True Blood!!!!!! Go Godric!!!!!!! XD Those bastards killed him off though...i was flippin pancakes at midnight when i found out _

lol. new episode tonight! be excited!