The Scatman

By Mandy - 13/03/2022 10:00

Today, I accidentally sharted during sex with a guy I’ve been seeing. I was seriously embarrassed, but he was excited about “new territory we can explore together.” FML
I agree, your life sucks 1 309
You deserved it 242

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Madchick14 11

hey, either the guy is into weird shit, or he's really into you and is trying to take the embarrassment away.

I think that sounds great. I would still be horribly embarrassed, but he cares enough to soothe your feelings!


Madchick14 11

hey, either the guy is into weird shit, or he's really into you and is trying to take the embarrassment away.

I think that sounds great. I would still be horribly embarrassed, but he cares enough to soothe your feelings!

HokieJ 10

The Cleveland Steamer territory!