Busting makes me feel good

By NotASquirrel - 12/03/2016 05:29 - United States - Bronx

Today, I was using the urinal at work when an old guy started using the one next to mine. All of a sudden, he used that Ghostbusters' line, "Cross the streams!", and tried to pee into my urinal. I had to wait 4 hours in pee-drenched shoes until my shift was over. FML
I agree, your life sucks 20 927
You deserved it 1 294

Same thing different taste

Top comments

the fool! you never cross streams! he could've destroyed the entire office!

OptimusSlime 23

That's disgusting what the hell was he thinking


the fool! you never cross streams! he could've destroyed the entire office!

OptimusSlime 23

That's disgusting what the hell was he thinking

LowLifeKid 15

Surely you could have used a napkin or a piece of paper to wipe it off right?

mariri9206 32

12, OP didn't say it was on their clothes - they said shoes. Unless they're cloth shoes, it's do-able. Though, I can understand not wanting to have to wipe someone else's pee off your shoes. Gross, gross all around, both options are just. . . gross.

He never mentioned he worked at a place with a very strict dress code, so he could work somewhere where tennis shoes are allowed, which can soak up liquids easily

Even if they were industrial shoes, if liquid gets inside you've got a puddle of urine in your shoe. I wear doc martens when's it's raining and water can still get in

Jesus. I bet you could put a stall around a urinal and charge an admission fee; nobody wants to interact with the people pissing next to them.

That's worse than when the guy looks over at you!