Bad boy

By Anonymous - 05/10/2013 20:23 - United Kingdom - Manchester

Today, I realized that my dog is an evil genius. As I sat down to have a snack, he barked as if he saw someone outside. I went to check it out, but nobody was there. When I returned, I found my dog on the table finishing off my bacon sandwich. FML
I agree, your life sucks 48 078
You deserved it 8 754

Same thing different taste

Top comments


Goblin182 26

Never ever leave the bacon unguarded.

Heck if I had to eat dog food I'd do the same thing lol

Looks like not having thumbs didn't stop him from getting that juicy, tasty bacon.

Hahaa... good thing my dog don't do that.

Teach him a lesson by doing the same to him - send him on a wild goose chase and scarf his food before he gets back. :D

It's okay in the morning my mom made me bacon and she wrapped in a paper towel and set it on my backpack when I went to my backpack all there was was an empty paper towel and my dog licking her lips...

We call that the "bark and switch" at our house

My dog does this, though he goes to a new level. He opens the doors and jumps up to get food and steals my cats and other dog's food. We actually have to feed him in a separate room.