Right in the kisser

By Anonymous - 08/03/2020 20:17

Today, I was in sociology class and I raised my hand to ask a question, not realizing that the professor was right behind me. I smacked him right in the face, no doubt reducing my chances of a good grade. FML
I agree, your life sucks 1 395
You deserved it 224

Same thing different taste

Top comments

WistayShlaio82 13

If you get a bad grade because he was to busy looking over your shoulder...or down your shirt, then he doesn’t deserve to even be a man he’s just a douche

Itsheragain 9

i mean if he really ***** with your grade over that , walk up to him and slap the shit outta him forreal this time.


WistayShlaio82 13

If you get a bad grade because he was to busy looking over your shoulder...or down your shirt, then he doesn’t deserve to even be a man he’s just a douche

It doesn't work that way. Your grade is based on your performance on the assessments of your mastery of the material. A dumb accident doesn't change a thing.

Mathalamus 24

You do realize there are people who would lower a grade due to dumb stuff?

in university you always have the option of a regrade from another professor.

slowhandjp 16

It has nothing to do with your grade.

Itsheragain 9

i mean if he really ***** with your grade over that , walk up to him and slap the shit outta him forreal this time.

Mooglefox 23

That is how I found my current girlfriend. She was walking up to me from behind, raised my hand, and smacked her in the nose.

I'm pretty sure a teacher isn't going to lower your grade for that. That's ridiculous.