Sweet release

By Anonymous - 14/12/2018 03:00

Today, I sneezed and shit myself in bed. It was the first time I'd ever slept at my girlfriend's house, and probably the last as well. FML
I agree, your life sucks 2 817
You deserved it 395

Same thing different taste

Top comments

well.. it's not the best thing to deal with but if she's not a dick she'll get over it.


well.. it's not the best thing to deal with but if she's not a dick she'll get over it.

It's not that hard to get over it. Unless of course, you have really low ceilings, in which case you've no choice but to roll or shuffle through it.

Oh, no! Don't tell me! Did you get... ...wait on it... ...dumped?


It could be worse. Remember the FML about 69 and sudden explosive poop...

Shit happens! Unfortunate for you... the timing was impeccable! It could happen to anyone. Accidents are inevitable sometimes. I hope that she was understanding.

menofsteel86 10

well just thank you really got the uncomfortable out of the relationship. some ppl it takes mouths to pass gas in front of a new relationship. now what is the worst that can happen??

People need to get their buttholes under control!