You dolt!

By ilovefootball - 07/09/2009 19:21 - United States

Today, I was walking on a busy street. I saw this beautiful blonde walking across the street and a car was coming. I wanted to be like in the movies where the guy pushes the girl out of the way so she doesn't get hit. I accidentally pushed her the wrong way. Right into the car. FML
I agree, your life sucks 14 193
You deserved it 78 178

Same thing different taste

Top comments

fxdxhk90 0

So..... what are the police charging you with?

dcstream 0


Attempted murder. This guy knows what the ladies like. I bet on the first date you love to shove your date down a flight of stairs to show her just how much you care.

It's a sign . . . Don't watch movies ever..ever..again.

You ASS!!! thats what you get for trying to be like the "movies"!!! ****** tard

Way to look like the biggest douche bag in the world...

u r an asshole too, i hope u get hit by a train, while ur girlfriend dumps u for another girl.

oosouthernbellxo 0

all i'm going to say is epic fail and good luck trying to recover from that one buddy.

applelover1995 0

haha maybee u should stick to readingg books instead of watching moviess and btw this does happen in movies....or at least comedy moviess