Mirror, mirror

By Zubat - 15/07/2021 22:01

Today, my boss confided that he doesn't like having interns in the workplace, because he finds it insulting that someone who hasn't finished their education can do our jobs. My boss frequently brags about being a high school dropout. FML
I agree, your life sucks 927
You deserved it 88

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Well, your boss just doesn't like being shown that, contrary to what he seems to believe, he's not special for doing his job after dropping out.

ojoRojo 27

That makes no sense anyway. The best way to become fully educated in most jobs is to be an intern.


Well, your boss just doesn't like being shown that, contrary to what he seems to believe, he's not special for doing his job after dropping out.

ojoRojo 27

That makes no sense anyway. The best way to become fully educated in most jobs is to be an intern.

almost like ops boys is a moron or something