You dodged a bullet

By Anonymous - 09/10/2010 18:33 - United States

Today, my boyfriend told me it wasn't working out and he was breaking up with me. The reason? I have the same first and last name as a very unpopular girl, and he gets embarrassed when people mistakenly assume he's going out with her. FML
I agree, your life sucks 37 160
You deserved it 3 376

Same thing different taste

Top comments

If he broke up with you over something as small as that, then he was a douche anyway. OP you are free to met a better guy! Remember, you are not single. you're available.


bryan4595 0

it's not his fault u have a shameful name

If that chick who's got the same name as you is so "unpopular", why would they assume he is going out with her? He needs to man up! They're probably just giving him crap because they think it's funny.. idiots

stephanie0613 0

God what are you in high school or something? Tell your husbabd too grow up !

benny2465 0

that's a nice way of saying YOUR the very unpopular girl

limestone819 0

#96 they're not married. but yeaah you're right. agreed; what is he, a twelve year old?

If he broke up with you over something as small as that, then he was a douche anyway. OP you are free to met a better guy! Remember, you are not single. you're available.

adorkable_spazz 0

what a douche bag. you'll find another guy who's better than him, though. [:

If that was the real reason the guy is a douche and you should be glad to be shot of him. However, it is possible that there is another reason and he's using this as a cover, in which case be glad to be rid of him anyway, as either the real reason is too harsh to want to know, or he's just a coward.

rety1 13

not fyl... I wouldn't want to be with a shallow douchebag like that anyway. it shouldn't matter what your name is or how popular you are...