Name thievery

By Anonymous - 08/06/2021 17:01

Today, I found out my ex-boyfriend used the baby name I wanted with the girlfriend he’s been dating for less than a year. FML
I agree, your life sucks 924
You deserved it 162

Same thing different taste

Top comments

That’s definitely annoying but I wouldn’t let that stop me from still using it myself.

Jon Tessler 14

so what......what is stopping you from using the name? did you tell him he "couldn't use it"? also WHY do you care what an ex boyfriend names his kid? this is why you don't stay friends with ex's


That’s definitely annoying but I wouldn’t let that stop me from still using it myself.

Jon Tessler 14

so what......what is stopping you from using the name? did you tell him he "couldn't use it"? also WHY do you care what an ex boyfriend names his kid? this is why you don't stay friends with ex's

Ambrily 27

Ok, does that mean the name can't be used again?

bleachedraven 14

If the name was your idea, use it. Doesn't worry about the ex, they have seperate lives. Life goes on.