
By AmIworthit? - 13/08/2021 10:01 - United States - Ashburn

Today, I had to admit to an attractive coworker that it wasn't a hickey on my neck, but a mosquito bite instead. I then realized how alone I am. FML
I agree, your life sucks 760
You deserved it 119

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Or maybe you didn't want to admit it WAS a hickey and you have a mosquito kink. Ask your coworker if he'd dress up like a horsefly or a chigger. Rawr!


Or maybe you didn't want to admit it WAS a hickey and you have a mosquito kink. Ask your coworker if he'd dress up like a horsefly or a chigger. Rawr!

How do you confuse a mosquito bite with a hickey???