By wrongtarget - 21/10/2009 05:40 - United States

Today, I got chewed out at work when my supervisor showed up, because my coworkers told my supervisor they couldn't find me for an hour and a half. Why couldn't they find me? Because they'd left to go get coffee. FML
I agree, your life sucks 34 477
You deserved it 2 235

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Your coworkers are either retarded or they hate you and trying to get you fired.


They were obviously annoyed that you didn't go and have coffee with them.

Why should I have coffee with them, I don't even know them. Next time, please don't reply to my post, thank you :)

Well it would have been polite to accept their offer.

Which post are we suppose to reply to? Apparently you can't handle being first.

ydi for not standing up for yourself.. supervisior or not i dont take that kind of crap for no reason..

22cute 17

You should exlain that to your boss. They don't deserve your loyalty.

mrzero 0

I hope You spelt idiot wrong on purpose....if not don't call someone a name that you can't even spell!!

Your coworkers are either retarded or they hate you and trying to get you fired.

Try find a job where people actually CARE about their coworkers

You shouldn't let your coworkers chew on you, who knows what else they've had in their mouths.

TenebrificTurtle 0

I hope you explained to your boss what happened... or maybe its just better to kill them off one by one in a Battle Royale or make them prove they want to live like in Saw. They obviously proved they suck.

youthink_fml 0

bullshit. no coworker would complain about not finding you when THEY left the office for an hour and a half.

Just becaue you've had decent co-workers doesn't mean the psycho-douches aren't out there. And they are my friend.

My guess is that they were supposed to collaborate with the OP on something, and when asked by the boss why it was not done, they blamed him to get themselves out of trouble.

Sure they would, especially if it's a situation like Plethora surmised (i.e. My guess is that they were supposed to collaborate with the OP on something, and when asked by the boss why it was not done, they blamed him to get themselves out of trouble.)