By lisa321 - 02/04/2009 02:36 - United States

Today, I went to Starbucks to get coffee. The employees told me that there was no more coffee. I started cursing at them and told them that I am in a really big hurry, and that I need coffee every day. They had been yelling back the whole time. Little did I realize, they were saying April Fool's. FML
I agree, your life sucks 11 520
You deserved it 116 442

Same thing different taste

Top comments

You are an asshole. Why would you be so rude to the employees anyways?

If i'd of been working in the shop i'd of refused to serve you after being so rude.....or added a little something special when making the drink!! hehe!!


You are an asshole. Why would you be so rude to the employees anyways?

stephaniepopatia 0

april fools or not thats really ******* rude if i was the manager i would ban you from there

hawxfighter_fml 0

when would starbucks run out of coffee?! I mean, common sense

rusrsbrah 0

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198- have. Don't correct somebody's grammar if you're going to do it wrong.

Several months back my local KFC ran out of chicken on the bone at 7pm. Sounds much the same to me :P

I agree, OP is, officially, a **** nut

CatieBabey 0

as soon as I read the 2nd sentence, I realized they were April fooling you. YDI

If i'd of been working in the shop i'd of refused to serve you after being so rude.....or added a little something special when making the drink!! hehe!!

have not of, and dude was an arsehole so he def deserved it

no it isn't haven't you read the signs that said "we hold the right to stop serving for any reason"?

AK 2

You're an idiot. Listen to people when they try to explain things.

spankyness 0

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Inspired22 11

It just makes me laugh at how the typical American is so addicted to coffee. It's like unplugging an umbilical cord to deny someone their coffee! You must be stressed out. Calm down. There are enough horrible things in life to freak out about without freaking out over every little thing. I swear you are going to lose it if you continue that way!

not all americans are addicted to coffee.. I for one am not. I can't stand that stuff.

BelleBelle_fml 11

Umm, unless your profile is incorrect, you're from Colorado, in the United States of America, making you an American.

jasmine1259 2

He never said he wasn't American, just that the typical one is addicted to it. That's actually pretty accurate.

Lol #212 you say you hate when people post before they think, but that was something pretty stupid you posted

U do realize that people who are actually "addicted to coffee" which comes from drinking it to much, get headaches and feel like crap if they don't have it yes?

Next time, order something with a shot of arsenic in it.

Personguy01 11
Jcsati8 0