By Walter_Sobchak7 - 12/08/2017 01:30

Today, while at work, a sneeze snuck up on me. Ever sneeze so violently your fake tooth shoots into the cubicle across from you? FML
I agree, your life sucks 4 569
You deserved it 335

Same thing different taste

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Luckily I have my own teeth. But I have had the occasional loud and violent sneeze. What really sucks is when you wind up for a sneeze that never happens--and as a result, you get a headache. Or when you have your period and a cold at the same time and a sneeze causes a flood in your underwear.


Luckily I have my own teeth. But I have had the occasional loud and violent sneeze. What really sucks is when you wind up for a sneeze that never happens--and as a result, you get a headache. Or when you have your period and a cold at the same time and a sneeze causes a flood in your underwear.

Or you're on your period and you sneeze, and you feel the tampon you took an hour getting used to shift just ever so slightly and you can feel it again.

Lobby_Bee 17

Hope you found it afterwards. Those things can't be cheap.

Me neither. Who's the cry baby who thumbs down your comment anyhow?

At least it didn't embed itself into the forehead of your workmate.

As a 25 year old female with fake top teeth held on by glue, I get it. I am terrified that something similar will happen to me and I'm not sure I could show my face around there again. I already spit on someone (while talking) and I bite down in between most words. It makes long conversations very difficult and because of it, I've been rethinking my path as a math teacher. Phone call jobs, customer service jobs, basically anything I USED to be good at is a bad fit for me now. I've been told "it gets better with time," but after the adjustment period, it hasn't.