Welcome to a movie from 1953

By Anonymous - 26/04/2022 16:00

Today, I asked my boyfriend if he wanted to be in the room whilst I gave birth. He offered to wait in the waiting room, but only if I gave birth on a weekend, and if it was a weekday he’d be too busy at work. I reproduced with this guy, and this isn’t the meanest thing he’s ever said to me. FML
I agree, your life sucks 605
You deserved it 1 255

Same thing different taste

Top comments

If that was t the meanest thing he has ever said, why are you still with him? Anyone said that to me, I’m gone,

Sadly, you should of RUN away the 1st.time he showed you who he was. Now you have a child involved in a situation. Make the best of it and LEAVE be he starts laying hands on you or your baby.


Sadly, you should of RUN away the 1st.time he showed you who he was. Now you have a child involved in a situation. Make the best of it and LEAVE be he starts laying hands on you or your baby.

If that was t the meanest thing he has ever said, why are you still with him? Anyone said that to me, I’m gone,

ShortCaffinatedTitan 11

I'm not going to sugar-coat it, if this isn't a one off thing and he's said worse stuff to you, run, don't let yourself or your child live in a situation like this, you and your child deserve so much better

Wadlaen 23

I get the impression that you've made several not that good choices...

2deployments1divorce 11

Yeah look at this idiot that wants too be able to pay his bills after his child comes into the world, jeesh.

RUN, don't walk away! You say this isn't even the worst he has said to you? When someone shows you who they are BELIEVE HIM! "Your Love" isn't going to change him. Pack your stuff and go to your mom's!