Weird haircut

By mylifesucks123 - 03/05/2009 13:44 - United States

Today, I was driving to the grocery store with my 7 year-old son. As we were approaching a stop sign, I looked next to me and saw a guy with a triangle-shaped head. I said to my son, "Look at the guy with the triangle head." My window was open. So was his. FML
I agree, your life sucks 9 825
You deserved it 72 789

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Hmmm, way to teach him how to make fun of people...

may_cause_fail 0

I have never seen anyone with a triangle head. I would probably do the same thing. :D


skullbashd 3

my teacher has a triangle shapes head and he has it becusse of his childhood cancer...... so ydi!!

Hmmm, way to teach him how to make fun of people...

how can you have a triangle shaped head? fs

Well, unless his head is 2D, he doesn't. Anybody remember silent hill? PYRAMID HEAD!!!

may_cause_fail 0

I have never seen anyone with a triangle head. I would probably do the same thing. :D

What the ****. Triangle head? ...Still, YDI for being loud and obnoxious and still saying that at a stop sign.

fretforyerlatte 0

3 took the words right out of my mouth. way to teach your kid to be a jerk.

bac_xx_14 0

that's really not that bad. but i'm still sorry. (: i hope he wasn't mad at youu. next time,check before you talk. and i've never seen someone with a triangle-shaped head. interestingg.

Now son, what i did was wrong. You are only supposed to make fun of people behind their back.