By Anonymous - 08/12/2010 01:49 - United States

Today, while walking past a homeless man, I heard him comment on the woman in front of me saying, "I should come to this side of town more often, there's some hotties here." Then he saw me and said, "Wait, no, I think I'll stay on the other side of town." FML
I agree, your life sucks 30 142
You deserved it 3 975

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Damn that's harsh. Don't pay attention to him, OP. But hey, at least you're not homeless.

GuitarNukka520 5

just realized you were way out of his league ;)


...and then he went over to lay down on the hotel lawn and jerked himself off to death, he died with a smile on his face; poor guard didn't realize for 10 minutes that he was dead.

dammit I was going to refer to that. good fer you 11 you win today. butt watchout I'll be stalking you.

11- ah so you've been here since the beginning too?

DUDE! how do I join the kkk (kool kids klub)???

hmmmph. your picture is disturbing. but makes me think we would secretly have a passionate love affair through which you would change but then your fellow kukus would find out and you would have to choose and you would choose them and I'd have to kill you.

You're an inbred **** tard. Go get a swastika tattooed on your forehead and walk through a black neighborhood so someone will shoot your ass and do us all a damn favor.

Fantastic story, number 25. I imagined it all. :)

RedPillSucks 31

Damn that's harsh. Don't pay attention to him, OP. But hey, at least you're not homeless.

If he's looking to take advantage of women at least he won't go after you. :)

GuitarNukka520 5

just realized you were way out of his league ;)

BadasS14 0

relax, it was just an fml; not some life story about beauty.

alaaloo_fml_fml 0

Hahahaha. Sorry.. but that man is pretty witty, very mean as well.

squirell_AIDS69 0

Lol at OP for getting dissed by a homeless man

I seen that coming before I finished reading this FML. Getting slightly predictable now. Don't get me wrong; I still love reading FML's.

cassey419 0

are u kidding me your really going to pull the grammar card this is fml not English class