By Michael - 25/10/2011 15:00 - Australia

Today, while taking pills for a headache, I threw my head back to help get the pills down, and in the process, whacked it against the brick windowsill behind me. FML
I agree, your life sucks 26 930
You deserved it 15 618

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Mahomie123 0

better take some extra pills then..

every1luvsboners 11

Hopefully the windowsill is okay. I don't think that was a headache. That was what is left of your brain trying to escape before you do anymore dumb shit.


Learn how to take medicine like a normal person.

Your Headache reached level 36! Evolved into Migraine!

13FTW 9

When I take pills, I try to imagine it's a little train that just wants to slither down my throat then explode inside me. Works like a charm.

btstig 11

Let me see your finger. I'll take your mind right off that headache boy..... SNAP!!!!

YDI - you can't swallow properly with your head tilted back - its basic anatomy. Your plan was fail from the start

perdix 29

I think Big Pharma has an endless money machine in you, my friend.