Accidents will happen

By Anonymous - 27/04/2009 05:58 - United States

Today, at work, I managed to hit myself in the face with a large sheet pan. The force made me back into a shelf, which knocked a box off the top, which hit me in the head and knocked me out-cold. I now have a fat lip, a sore head, and bruises all over from the fall. FML
I agree, your life sucks 43 017
You deserved it 9 310

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Haha, that sounds like something out of Tom and Jerry. That's gotta suck.

Brittaneyyy 0

it's something u bake on and that really is a fyl but how on earth can hit itself that hard


Not sure what a sheet pan is or how you would hit urself in the face with it, but ouch - get well soon.

Brittaneyyy 0

it's something u bake on and that really is a fyl but how on earth can hit itself that hard

mdizz08 0

boohoo. how many different variations of this kind of FML are already posted? apparently it happens to a lot of people, so suck it up.

This would probably happen to me at work. It's a clusterfuck.

Haha, that sounds like something out of Tom and Jerry. That's gotta suck.

Today, I made a story up about how I tripped on a toy car, hit my head on a branch and fell unconcious into a pit of mud in my new clothes. FML for not being orginal

Dude how do you know it wasnt me who pulled you into the shelf!? if you were not always so high you would notice haha