By Anonymous - 19/12/2011 07:35 - Canada

Today, while sleeping, my foot was stabbed by something in my bed and I woke up to it bleeding. I looked around for the cause and found nothing. Now I'm afraid to go to sleep because it might happen again. FML
I agree, your life sucks 34 926
You deserved it 2 777

Same thing different taste


chris71sk8r 8

That'll be one sharp toe nail.

xXxIracebethxXx 14

We got some Insidious shit going on in here :D *hides knife*

Insidious? I was thinking more like Tyler Durden.

It may have been a feather... The ends are pretty sharp.

The_Troller 14

I've been stabbed by pencils in my pocket, but OP's foot was stabbed and I don't think normal people sleep with sharp objects in their socks so I really have no idea. Unless, of course, OP is a ninja/assassin and always keeps weapons on his/herself.

I hear bed bugs are carrying knives now

Op, maybe you sleep-stab yourself. Don't worry I do it too :D

Happened to me once, I tore a bedsheet with my toenail.

528Alice491 3

Ooh that's happened to me, I got a huge gash on my thigh, I found nothing in my bed, and I have a light scar now.

HowAreYouToday 34
WPQ14 15
shay1813 0
xSonic 9

Sounds like Drew Bree's pregame chan lol

rexgar2000 10

lol 111s picture is so appropriate for this FML

RedPillSucks 31

He know when you're sleeping. He know if you're awake.

115# / 120# I like how you try to make the same comment in hope of thumbs up, because it was smacked down the first time. Oh, and your plan failed.

I would say the same of 91, hand looks like Freddy

hahah nice team work guys. with the whole 1 2 thing

146 I didn't even notice that if you scroll fast and see my pic it looks like that! Too funny :)

Yea, I really doubt you did it. Any more pseudo-crimes you want to confess?

RouletteRed 6

Seems like beds have been fighting back more and more. They might be conspiring with the clouds about revenge on us xD

ikickgingers 15

Haha, not too many people know his real name but they're scared to death of his pic. Now that I know his name.... he's no longer a stranger and my mom told me not to talk to strangers!

ikickgingers 15

Dude ... He scares the ever loving shit out of me. :( he's the stuff my nightmares are made of...

linkinpark98 23

Please don't make those horrific nightmares visit me again... :'(

"Have you got Prince Albert in a can? Well you better let him out! WAH HA, WAH HA, WAH HA!"

ikickgingers 15

^^^ when you comment I feel like I'm Edward Norton and you're biting the curb. *sigh* love daydreams.

Just warms the soul thinking about it doesn't if?

Awesome reference!! He's my favorite horror!

Zeek63 0

I think santa is on his routine checks. He I seeing if you sleep sound enough so he can creep on you on Christmas.

EmilieAutumn 7

This is my absolute FAVORITE horror movie. Thank you for making my day

Looks like you'll have a spring in your step tommorow morning!

flockz 19

so you found my pet cactus?!?!? i've been looking everywhere!!

154rct 7

What difference would that make

Practically no difference. Are you really that stupid??

flockz 19

Cut holes in the matress and put your feet in them, or just buy another blanket for your feet and wrap them up crazy

I'm pretty sure if it made his foot bleed then it would be able to cut through his socks. But he could wear shoes..sounds pretty uncomfortable though

#9 - wearing socks while you sleep is how you get foot fungus..

leogirl95 12

Shoes with spikes on the bottoms

FMLandurstoo 9
pinknipple69 3

Chill y'all she's clearly joking around

jillianmathers12 13

That's really scary! My cat use to hide in my comforter and then scratch me really hard. Maybe if you have a cat it could have scratched you?