By notguilty - 15/08/2009 23:24 - United States

Today, while I was watching Miley Cyrus's new music video, I had an itch near my bikini line that I couldn't reach through my jeans. So I unzipped my pants to get to it, and that's when my boyfriend walked in on me with my hands down my pants. He thought I was getting off on the music video. FML
I agree, your life sucks 49 465
You deserved it 22 948

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Lisimal 7

EWWWWWWWWWWWWWW!!!!!!!!!!!! YDI for even looking at that beaver face.

ladycoyote 0

You deserve it for voluntarily watching Miley Cyrus do anything.


YDI for watching a music video by Miley Cyrus/Hannah Slutana.

xoxoprivatexoxo 0

YDI for all the reasons everyone else has already stated...

iamelrebel 0

I agree with number1. Cyrus is horrible.

simpsonman3000 0

well because if you were a girl then you shouldn't even be out of the kitchen and on FML

myname150 0

Ydi for even having watched the video in the first place. Miley is succhh a whoreee

in about three years..... wait nevermind.

rubenrox 1

You people calling her beaver face are just jelous cuz a 15-16 year old is sexier than you and can probably get laid faster than you as well =D Sorry, truth hurts. And before you start saying that I'm disgusting for saying that about a "little girl", I'm 15 as well. So for those of you insulting her, FYL.


The whole reason why she would get laid is because she could probaly pay off Robert Patitison for sex. (by that I mean She has tons of money I was saying it as a figure of speech to describe the amount of money she has)Shes EXTREMELY rich. I wouldnt do Miley Cyrus AT all but Im sure theres tons of guys who will swallow their(right?) dignity to get in her pants and get awesome presents lol.* *Written by a 14 y/o guy who DOES NOT LIKE Miley Cyrus Remember if she wasnt famous no one would care about her.

#130, you don't sound 15 at all. more like an 8 year old girl proclaiming to be Miley's #1 fan, yayyy! =|

musicninja 0

You deserve it for thinking a Disney star has any kind of talent, especially Miley Cyrus.